New Statistics About American Veterans

Sure, serving in the military long-term will likely make you a decent living, but what about the other effects military service has on veterans today? A new research paper from the Pew Research Center takes a look at the attitude of and challenges to American veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A total of 1,853 veterans were surveyed, and the poll shows some surprising things. Here are a few of the results:
- 96 percent of veterans are proud of their military service.
- 90 percent said they gained self confidence.
- 37 percent say that, whether diagnosed or not, they have experienced post traumatic stress.
- 44 percent had problems readjusting to civilian life.
- 34 percent say that (given the costs and benefit) the wars were worth fighting.
- 11.5 percent were unemployed in 2010.
- 16 percent were seriously injured while serving.
- 84 percent think the American public has little to no understanding of the problems that the military faces.