Look Ma, No Epidural!

In other news: Levitt and I are writing a monthly “Freakonomics” column in The New York Times Magazine, and it debuts this Sunday, June 5. A few nights ago, the Times threw a launch party, which became a de facto book party as well (we opted long ago not to have a book party, since there is nothing worse than a big party for a book that might bomb, and we had no evidence to suggest that Freakonomics wouldn’t bomb). In the photo below, left to right, are: Gerry Marzorati (editor of the Times Magazine); Claire Wachtel (our book editor, at William Morrow/HarperCollins); Michael Morrison (HarperCollins publisher, and a native of Mechanicville, N.Y., a few tree stumps away from Duanesburg, my hometown); Jane Friedman (HarperCollins CEO); Lisa Gallagher (William Morrow publisher); me; Jyll Holzman (New York Times senior v.p. for advertising); and Levitt. The black poster on the left, which shows a $1 bill being cranked into a $100 bill, is not meant to be a commentary on the adjacent Freakonomics poster; it is in fact the cover image of the June 5 Times Magazine, the annual special issue devoted to money.