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Freakonomics Around the World

We’ve started to get e-mails from increasingly far-flung places, asking when Freakonomics is being published in other countries and languages. So we asked for a list of the foreign publication schedule, and here’s what we got. The first group is an alphabetical list of the countries where the book has already been published or will be soon. The second group is an alpha list of countries where the translations are still being worked on. I have a feeling the list is not quite current because, although we’ve been sent the Brazilian and Korean and U.K. editions, we haven’t yet seen the Slovenian translation, e.g.; at least I’m pretty sure I would have remembered it if it was indeed sent.

Brazil: Elsevier June 2005
China: Grand China January 2006
Denmark: Frybakken Fall 2005
Germany: Riemann Spring 2006
Holland: De Bezige Bij November 2005
Italy: Sperling September 2005
Japan: Toyo Keizai January 2006
Korea: Woongjin June/July 2005
Norway: Gyldendal February 2006
Portugal: Presenca January 2006
Romania: CEFS SA October 2005
Slovenia: ValeNovak December 2005
Spain: Ediciones B Spring 2006
Sweden: Prisma Fall 2006
Taiwan: Locus Winter 2005
United Kingdom: Penguin U.K. July 2005

Bulgaria: Kragozor
Croatia: Stanek
Czech: Alfa
Finland: DataClub
France: Denoël
French Canada: Transcontinental
Greece: Livani
Hungary: Europa
Indonesia: Gramedia
Israel: Keter
Poland: Helion
Russia: Williams
Thai: Welearn
Turkey: Boyner
