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FREAK-TV: Jane Fonda, the Ellsberg Paradox, and Nuclear Power


We’ve got a new column in this weekend’s New York Times Magazine about the past, present, and future of nuclear energy. The column is called “The Jane Fonda Effect” — any guesses why? — and the research took me down to the Three Mile Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg, Pa. (That’s why my family and I got to spend a little time in nearby Hershey, Pa.) We’ll be posting more on this site later about the research behind the article. For now, you can see a brief preview in the video player, featuring an interview with Chris Crane, the COO of Exelon Generation, the operator of T.M.I. Interestingly, Crane acknowledges that the public panicked over the 1979 accident at T.M.I. in part because T.M.I. didn’t do a good job letting the public know what had actually happened.
