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Freakonomics Schwag

Whenever we run a contest or quiz on this site, we offer the winner/s some kind of prize. Until now, we’ve never gotten around to showing what the prizes look like. So here, friends, is our current assortment of Freakonomics schwag. The T-shirt and yo-yo are, as they say, unavailable in any store. (So is Don King, as far as I know.)

Freakonomics signed bookThe hand-signed book. Occasionally we run out and instead send a copy with a signed bookplate (see below).
Freakonomics yoyoThe yo-yo; back story here.
Freakonomics calendarThe 2008 fact-a-day calendar, produced and sold by Barnes & Noble.
INSERT DESCRIPTIONThe T-shirt, worn here by occasional Freakonomics research assistant Dean Strachan, shown about to clock Don King.
Freakonomics bookplateThe signed bookplate. You can actually get one of these anytime you want, for free, here.

