FREAK Shots: Foie Splurge
My friend who reviews New York City cafes came across this at Bouchon Bakery in the Time Warner Center:

According to Bouchon’s website: “Some people wish for their pets to take as much pleasure in food as they themselves do.”
But are excesses like this actually selling right now?
A recent survey by American Express Publishing and Harrison Group found that of the top 10 percent of rich Americans, “the percentage of people who said a little luxury was important in tough times declined to 50 percent from 61 percent in June,” reports Mediaweek.
CBS News reports that the the lower-end luxury market is indeed experiencing a drop in sales, but the “super-luxury” market is still going strong.
At $14 dollars for seven pieces, the foie gras dog biscuits don’t quite fall into the super-luxury category — or, considering they’re dog food, do they?
In this financial climate, where do you draw the line between splurging and saving? What luxuries do you still splurge on?