Bring Your Questions for the Ugly Scout

Simon Rogers moved to New York from London when he was 28 to begin his modeling career. About two years ago, he created UglyNY, a talent and modeling agency affiliated with Ugly in London, which is run by a friend. You’ll see photos of his clients throughout the rest of this post.
As Rogers once told The New York Times, UglyNY serves the market for “great-looking people, people who’ve really been hit with the ugly stick, and everything in between.” UglyNY’s recent clients include Clairol, Walmart, and Vanity Fair. Demand for “real people,” Rogers says, is growing — in part because of the influences of reality TV, MySpace, etc. Plus they are often cheaper.

“Real-people” models are paid “anywhere from a third to half what a professional model would,” reports The Times. Rogers says his models aren’t necessarily cheaper, but aren’t usually booked multiple times by the same client, as professional models are. He explains the driver of model pay:
Bottom line, people pay for what will help them sell. Naomi Campbell may get $60,000 per day, but if the product sells an extra several million because it’s her picture on the box, then she’s worth it. The Maytag guy (big, chubby, balding, middle-aged man) may get $400,000 per year for the same reason.

Since Hollywood is cutting back on spending, will “real-people” agencies like UglyNY become more popular? Will there be more ads like Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign?

Rogers has agreed to answer your questions about beauty, ugliness, the modeling business, how he avoids offending people when talent-scouting on the subway, and anything else you can conjure. So fire away in the comments section below.
As with past Q&A’s, we will post his answers here in a few days.
Addendum: Rogers answers your questions here.