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Do the Serenos Make the Emanuels Look Like Slackers?

The Emanuel BrothersRahm, Zeke, and Ari — are famously high achievers, one in politics, one in entertainment, and one in medicine (although the doctor has recently crossed over into politics as well).
But there’s another family of high achievers, also from Chicago, that is giving them some competition: the Serenos. Of the six grown children, five are prominent neuroscientists and the sixth, Paul, is one of the world’s best-known paleontologists. (He was also named to People‘s list of Most Beautiful People — take that, Rahm!)
Here is a fascinating profile of the Sereno clan from the Chicago Tribune. A nice sample:

After the kids started school, [their father] Charles quit his engineering job at the state highway department, taking a pay cut to deliver mail.
“In those days, if you were a really efficient mail carrier and finished your allotted work, you could go home early, and that is what I really wanted, to spend more time with the kids,” Charles Sereno said. “My wife, who was an art teacher, was a little better with the arts, and I had a little better grasp of science. We wanted to give them music, arts, sciences, and anything we could give them.”
Rena Sereno said there wasn’t much money for extras and the kids had to wear hand-me-down clothes, but they were so busy they didn’t seem to mind.
“We encouraged the idea that learning was exciting,” she said. “I know how butterflies and moths have sex, because we made a mating chamber for them so the kids could see all the stages of moth and butterfly life. We had slime mold growing upstairs.”
