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The 50 Worst Cars of All Time

A few years back Time magazine teamed with automotive critic Dan Neil to compile a list of the 50 worst cars of all time. It is pretty amusing to read. My own opinion is that they are way too tough on SUV’s — among the handful included on the list is the Ford Explorer (one of the best-selling vehicles in this country for over a decade), for example, because its success helped trigger the super-sizing of American vehicles.
Far more interesting than cases like the Ford Explorer are the dismal commercial failures. How is that the Edsel or the Plymouth Prowler or the Fiat Multipla are brought to the market? You might think that if you can’t find a consumer who likes the car once it is made, somebody might have been able to figure this out in advance.
In talking with an auto executive a few years back, I got some insight into how disasters like this happen. I asked this auto executive how his company decided between the 10 or 15 concept cars that the design teams proposed.
His answer: The five most senior executives at the company looked over the possible vehicles and picked the ones they liked best!
