You Can Own the First Printed Copy of SuperFreakonomics: A Charity Auction
Our new book comes out on October 20. Here is a picture of the very first copy that rolled off the presses:

If you’d like to own this first copy and be a good citizen at the same time, here’s your chance: it is being auctioned off on eBay, with the proceeds going to The Smile Train, a charity which performs cleft-repair surgery on poor children all over the world. (We’ve written about them quite a few times.) We’ll autograph the book for the winner, and the publisher will include a verification letter and a “limited edition SuperFreak t-shirt” as well. (I haven’t seen the shirts yet, so I can’t vouch for them.)
I will make a matching contribution, up to $5,000, to the Juvenile Arthritis Alliance, another cause that means a lot to our family. I’d certainly encourage you to think about supporting J.A.A. as well.
Thanks to everyone for participating, and let it be known: the dreaded winner’s curse does not apply to charity auctions.