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Here's One Place Where Drunk Walking Is Discouraged

From a South African reader named Tom Boyles:

I have attached a photo you might find interesting regarding the dangers of drinking and walking. It comes as no surprise to a doctor that walking near roads when you are drunk very dangerous — I have certainly seen a large number of such incidents. It is also not a surprise to whoever it is that puts health warnings on local beer in deep rural South Africa. The carton is for Mqumboti, a traditional brew made with maize (it tastes dreadful by the way). The deep rural Transkei may be behind the rest of the world in many ways but they may have become wise to the dangers of drinking and walking before some more developed parts of the world. (The low car ownership, high levels of alcohol abuse, and total lack of any street lighting might have something to do with this.)


Wishing everyone in the States a happy and safe Independence Day weekend. And remember: friends don’t let friends walk drunk.
