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The Return of Freakonomics Radio

Freakonomics Radio

Two Book Authors and a Microphone: Levitt, Dubner and other future guests help preview the new Freakonomics Radio.

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Back in February, we started a podcast (iTunes link here). It was generally well-received, but there were a lot of complaints, mostly like this one, from bbrian6332:

If you’re going to start a new podcast
Please at least have some episodes lined up. The podcast has potential, however 20 days between shows is a really poor start. C’mon guys … If you’re serious then DO IT!! before we all lose interest.

Well, we’ve decided to “do it.” What began as a lark has become a real thing, thanks to New York Public Radio, American Public Media, and The New York Times. Freakonomics Radio (details here) will be a far-ranging project that includes:

In the box above is a new podcast that previews what’s to come this fall. We’ll be covering everything from education to baseball scoring trends to the economics of trash. You’ll hear from some future guests and collaborators, including Steve Levitt, Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Rudy Giuliani, Arne Duncan and Mamphela Ramphele, the South African activist and businesswoman.
As always, we are dependent upon and grateful for reader/listener suggestions, so please light up the comments section below with your burning curiosities and very best ideas. (I am not legally permitted to tell you what to do with your so-so ideas, but you can figure it out.)
We don’t have a slogan yet for Freakonomics Radio and aren’t sure we need one. But here, drawn from the fall preview episode, are a couple of candidates:

We’ll bring you the stories everyone else on the radio has the good sense to avoid.


Helping skeptics get out of bed since February 2010.
