Get Your Copy of SuperFreakonomics: The Illustrated Edition Signed

It’s that time of year again – ChristmaHanuKwanzaa, that is – and if you’re reading this blog, there’s an obvious gift to be thinking about: the new illustrated edition of SuperFreakonomics. It will not fit in a stocking (it is quite large – a “coffee-table book,” some people call it), but otherwise it is giftable to the max.
But wait, there’s more: you can make this gift even more special by making it a signed copy. Levitt and Dubner have been busy as elves signing stack upon stack of bookplates that will magically turn a plain old book into an autographed book.* (They can also be stuck on copies of Freakonomics or the regular SuperFreakonomics, too – or, for that matter, on your forehead or cubicle or windshield.)
March 5, 2021: These bookplates are no longer available. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
Best yet: these bookplates are totally free, and will be mailed to your doorstep! Here’s the form to fill out; if you hurry, the odds are excellent that you’ll receive the autograph sticker in plenty of time for whatever holiday/s you celebrate.

Happy Everything!
*If you’ve signed up in the past and still haven’t received your bookplate, don’t despair; it should come soon.