Freakonomics Radio Live on Stage: St. Paul in Pictures

The Fitzgerald Theatre in downtown St. Paul, MN.
Last week, Freakonomics Radio took to the stage for a live event at the historic Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul, Minn. Not only is St. Paul the home of Freakonomics Radio co-producer American Public Media, but Steve Levitt also grew up in the Twin Cities. So the live event had a good deal of “this is your life” stuff in it, including a Quiz Bowl competition between Team Levitt (Steve, his sister Linda Jines, and their father Michael) against the current team from St. Paul Academy, where both Steve and Linda starred on the Quiz Bowl team in their day. We’ll release a podcast next week drawn from the live event, including the Quiz Bowl competition. Who do you think won?
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In the meantime, here are some pictures, including during rehearsal, of the first Freakonomics Radio live event. We all had a good time and the audience seemed to as well; hopefully there’ll be many more such evenings in the future.

A poster at the Fitz.

Sound check with Stephen Dubner and Freakonomics Radio engineer David Herman.

Stephen Dubner, host

Steve Levitt and Stephen Dubner onstage at the Fitz

At left: George Leiter, a former teacher and Quiz Bowl coach of Levitt's

George Leiter (left) and Dr. Michael Levitt, Steve's father

Quiz Bowl! George Leiter gives questions to Team Levitt while the St. Paul Academy Spartans look on.

Levitt and Dubner backstage during intermission: picking questions for the FAQ session.