FREAK-est Links
- Danny Kahneman‘s Thinking, Fast and Slow
(read his blog Q&A here) named a Times book of the year. Congrats!
- Is “big data” really ready for primetime?
- An economist (Laurence Kotlikoff) is running for President. (Did he listen to this?) His books include The Coming Generational Storm and Spend ‘Til the End
. (HT: Peter Coy)
- Active trading — of military products! — between countries at war. (Especially interesting in light of Iran’s blockade threat.) (HT: David Wigram)
- Am guessing “@msnbcIntern” isn’t either of those things. Sample: “#MSNBC held an office #iacaucus. Only lasted seconds as there was unanimous agreement that Barack Obama is ‘very dreamy.'”
- The Steelers’ running-back corps this weekend consists of three undrafted players: Isaac Redman, John Clay, and Chad Spann. No Franco Harrises there.