Do Not Read This Unless You Have Already Listened to “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know”

Malcolm Gladwell at the debut of “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know.” (Photo: Janice Yi)
Our latest podcast is called “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know.” It’s the debut of a live game show with audience contestants and celebrity judges, including Malcolm Gladwell. In the final round, the judges team up with contestants to play for the grand prize. If you’ve already listened, you’ll know that Malcolm and his partner were asked to tell us all something we don’t know about bread, and Malcolm came up with an intriguing fact that, upon a quick fact-check, turned out to be wrong. Oops! But as it turns out, Malcolm wasn’t so much wrong as he was confused about the type of bread. Here, from Malcolm himself, is the explanation:
At the end of the inaugural “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know,” I stated — with great certainty — that one thing people didn’t know was that focaccia was not some deeply rooted Italian specialty dating back to Roman times. It was invented by some guy in Milan in the 1970’s. Wrong! Focaccia is a deeply rooted Italian specialty dating back to Roman times. It is ciabatta that was invented by some guy in Milan in the 1970’s. Focaccia, ciabatta. Ciabatta, focaccia. I am an idiot.
No sir, you are not an idiot. And you are also a very good sport. Can’t wait for next edition of “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know”