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Fred Shapiro

Quotes Uncovered: Finally, the Whole Nine Yards

Today I will give my long-awaited response to the many questions about the leading phraseological enigma of our time, namely the origin of the phrase “the whole nine yards.” I am sorry to disappoint by having no definitive answer, but the reality is that many of the major etymological riddles have no known answer.


Quotes Uncovered: Who First Said "If You Can't Beat Em … "

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations for which they want me to try to trace the origin, using The Yale Book of Quotations and my own research. Here is the latest round:


Give Me More of Your Notable Quotations

Since last week’s posting elicited many helpful comments, let me repeat it this week in hope of getting even more input:
I’m starting to think about my annual list, run by the Associated Press, of the top 10 most notable quotations of the year.


What Are the Most Notable Quotes From 2009?

Yale Book of Quotations editor Fred solicits your nominations for most notable quote of 2009.


Quotes Uncovered: Death and Statistics

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.
Marc Lange asked:
I have seen something like this quote attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes: “In English law, everything is permissible that is not expressly forbidden. In Prussian law, everything is forbidden that is not expressly permitted.”


Quotes Uncovered: Playing Cards With Doc and Eating at Mom's

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.
Casey Frank asked:
[Who said] “England and America are two countries separated by a common language”?


Quotes Uncovered: Heaven on Earth and Third-World

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Who First Talked About Skinning Cats?

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.
Alex asked:
“There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Who said it, and why are all these people skinning cats?


Quotes Uncovered: Big Government and Peculiarities

Who originally said, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have,” or “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have”? My search has attributed this quote to Thomas Jefferson, Barry Goldwater, and Gerald Ford. The truth?


Quotes Uncovered: Communism and Godliness

I’ve seen many variations on “If you have to ask, you’ll never know.” Who coined this expression?


Quotes Uncovered: Who Found Proof in the Pudding?

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Dying for Opinions and Making History

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Who's Pete?

My mother used to say in exasperation to my sisters and I, “For Pete’s sake!” Who is this Pete fellow and why is his name used in such an expression?


Quotes Uncovered: Who First Took Things With a Grain of Salt?

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Who Said No Crisis Should Go to Waste?

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: From Soldiers to Farmers to Poets

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Fools and Theory

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent researches by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Songs and Dancing

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent researches by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: The Punchline, Please

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.
Javy asked:

Scientists (professors, physicians) will know more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing, or will know less and less about more and more until they know nothing about everything.


Quotes Uncovered: Brides and Fruit Flies

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Pork and Patriotism

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Who Said "No Cigar"?

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent researches by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Time, Money, and Cake

A while back, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: More Than One Way to Spell a Word

A while back I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Who First Thought the Grass Was Greener?

Nineteen weeks ago I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Cicero, Franklin, and Thatcher

Eighteen weeks ago I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: The Universe and Stupidity

Seventeen weeks ago I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people have responded via comments or e-mails. I am responding as best I can, a few per week.


Quotes Uncovered: Did an Economist Really Coin "Free Lunch"?

Quotes Uncovered Here are more quote authors and origins Shapiro’s tracked down recently. Who Punished Good Deeds? Who Said Data Kills? Who Worried About Events? Sixteen weeks ago, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people . . .


Quotes Uncovered: Who Punished Good Deeds?

Quotes Uncovered Here are more quote authors and origins Shapiro’s tracked down recently. Who Said Data Kills? Who Worried About Events? Spelling, Logic, and Frenchmen Fifteen weeks ago, I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by me. Hundreds of people . . .


Quotes Uncovered: Who Said Data Kills?

Quotes Uncovered Here are more quote authors and origins Shapiro’s tracked down recently. Who Worried About Events? Spelling, Logic, and Frenchmen Why Don’t You Go Find Your Own Quotes? Fourteen weeks ago I invited readers to submit quotations for which they wanted me to try to trace the origins, using The Yale Book of Quotations and more recent research by . . .


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