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Nicole Tourtelot

The Scrabble Rabble

In January, Hasbro, the North American distributor of Scrabble, announced plans to sue Rajat and Jayant Agarwalla, the creators of Facebook‘s most popular application: Scrabulous. With 700,000 daily users, Scrabulous makes the Agarwalla brothers $25,000 a month in advertising revenue, the Times reported Sunday. Scrambling for a piece of the market share, Hasbro has reportedly signed deals with gaming companies . . .


Book Drive

Hello everyone. I’m Nicole, the new-ish Freakonomics assistant. A few weeks ago, Dubner blogged about Chicago School District 214, where the campaign of one board member to ban Freakonomics (among other dangerous books such as Kate Chopin’s The Awakening) was successfully thwarted. The publisher, William Morrow, happily gave away 50 signed copies to students in appreciation. Someone commented that it . . .


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