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Search Results for: abortion crime

Abortion Not Banned In South Dakota

Is it just me, or does it seem that the failure of the abortion-ban referendum in South Dakota hasn’t gotten much attention? It’s certainly understandable why, what with the Democratic…

Episode 10

Why Are Stories Stickier Than Statistics?

Also: are the most memorable stories less likely to be true?

Episode 116

Women Are Not Men (Replay)

In many ways, the gender gap is closing. In others, not so much. And that’s not always a bad thing.

Why Aren’t There More Old Criminals?

…criminals are just better at [crime] than teenagers, and know how not to get caught. Senior criminals have all graduated to white-collar crime, and are no longer hunted by the…

The Crime Drop of the 2020’s?

crime falloff of the 1990’s, are we looking at the start of the great crime drop of the 2020’s? Or will we have our record-high rate of imprisonment to thank?…

Is There a Glass Ceiling in Corporate Crime?

(Photo: Victor1558) Our podcast “Women Are Not Men” looked at a variety of gender gaps, including the fact that the vast majority of violent crime is committed by men. A…

Does the Death Penalty Really Reduce Crime?

Associated Press reporter Robert Tanner writes an article today stating that evidence strongly supports the conclusion that the death penalty reduces crime. As with most media coverage of controversial issues,…

The Bright Side of Crime

…for a well-lighted one. The New Yorker‘s David Owen explains: Lighting is effective in preventing crime mainly if it enables people to notice criminal activity as it’s taking place, and…


How Does New York City Keep Reinventing Itself?

In a word: networks. Once it embraced information as its main currency, New York was able to climb out of a deep fiscal (and psychic) pit. Will that magic trick…

Do It Without Your Gun

crime. Particularly in inner city contexts, police sometimes have to make a trade off between preventing crime and limiting the consequences of bad behavior. For example — cops as well…

Are Sex Offender Laws Backfiring?

…Agan went block by block and found that crime rates in general, and sex crimes in particular, do not vary according to the number of sex offenders in the area….

Episode 73

Turning Work into Play

How psychologist Dan Gilbert went from high school dropout to Harvard professor, found the secret of joy, and inspired Steve Levitt’s divorce….

When the Fugitive Is a Family Member: A Guest Post

…the bloody crime scene. These demonstrations of family loyalty trigger significant media interest, perhaps in part because those who cooperate with law enforcement are often called “snitches” and might be…

Episode 165

The Perfect Crime (Replay)

If you are driving and kill a pedestrian, there’s a good chance you’ll barely be punished. Why?

Can Crime Be Meditated Away?

Okay, how’s this for an example of crime prevention: transcendental meditation. Several years ago in Washington D.C., 3,000 people got together to meditate and … yes, drove drown crime throughout…

Do Hamburgers Cause Crime?

…another cost associated with the meat-processing industry: increased crime. Writing for the American Sociological Association, Amy Fitzgerald finds a spill-over effect from the violent work of the slaughterhouse into the…

Schwarzenegger Lowers Crime

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is one politician who can credibly claim that he is truly responsible for reducing crime, at least if you believe a new study by economists Gordon…

What's the Real Crime Rate in China?

crime statistics there, all crimes are rare. China certainly feels safe. We walked the streets in rich areas and poor and not for a moment did I ever feel threatened….

Episode 165

The Perfect Crime

If you are driving and kill a pedestrian, there’s a good chance you’ll barely be punished. Why?

A New Method to the Freakonomics Madness

…on crime and abortion. In a truly inspired moment, Levitt (and his coauthor John Donohue) were able to show that legalizing abortion reduced the amount of crime — 18 years…

Episode 12

Where Do All the Bad Ideas Go?

Ideas are currency. This couldn’t be more true in academia, where it’s the job of researchers to think of questions and, hopefully, find answers. Bapu talks with economists Steve Levitt…

The Latest on Homicide Rates

…if any individual black teen’s propensity for crime was unchanged over this time period, the aggregate amount of black-teen crime would have risen by 15 percent. In other words, in…

Episode 491

Why Is Everyone Moving to Dallas?

When Stephen Dubner learned that Dallas–Fort Worth will soon overtake Chicago as the third-biggest metro area in the U.S., he got on a plane to find out why. Despite getting…

When the Prediction Fits the Crime

…“automated, detailed crime forecasts tailored to each of the department’s 21 area stations would be streamed several times a day to commanders,” with consolidating information from detectives, witnesses, suspects, and…

Episode 18

Freakonomics FAQ, No. 1

Levitt and Dubner field questions from the public and hold forth on everything from dating strategies and rock-and-roll accordion music to whether different nations have different economic identities. Oh, and…

On Stalin, Child Abuse, and Crime

…and Tekin, one reason for this conclusion is that abused children tend to engage in crime earlier than the non-abused. Currie and Tekin explain: Starting to engage in criminal behavior…

Where Have All the Criminals Gone?

When the crime statistics for 2006 were released, the news media had no trouble declaring that the next big crime wave had hit (even though violent crime had just ticked…