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George White


Greeting Cards

The tradition of sending cards to loved ones was in decline — until it was rescued by a new generation. But millennials have their own ideas about what sentiments they want to convey. Zachary Crockett is thinking of you on your special day.


Greeting Cards, Pizza Boxes, and Personal Injury Lawyers

In a special episode of The Economics of Everyday Things, host Zachary Crockett explains what millennials do to show they care, how corrugated cardboard keeps your food warm, and why every city has a billboard for a guy who calls himself “The Hammer.”


The Freakonomics Radio Network

Freakonomics Radio Follow this show 814 Episodes
No Stupid Questions Follow this show 226 Episodes
People I (Mostly) Admire Follow this show 155 Episodes
The Economics of Everyday Things Follow this show 69 Episodes
The Freakonomics Radio Book Club Follow this show 23 Episodes

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