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Search Results for: wolfers

More On Roger Clemens

Last week, Justin Wolfers offered an insightful analysis of Roger Clemens‘s career statistics and what those statistics imply about the likelihood that Clemens used steroids. The latest contribution to this…

The Fundamental Forces of Supply and Demand

…I figure I’ll just post it. This photo illustrates the two most important forces in my life. Sarah Miller Photography Matilda Wolfers studying the market for milk. If you are…

QE3? Not So Fast. Let's Debate the Merits of QE2 First

Wolfers, and James Altucher. Justin Wolfers is a professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania and a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, with wide-ranging interests across labor, macro,…

Have a Very Homo Economicus Christmas (Ep. 105)

…self”); Justin Wolfers (who has written before on Christmas efficiency); and Joel Waldfogel (here’s his famous “Deadweight Loss of Christmas” paper; he’s also the author of Scroogenomics). Wolfers tries to…

First sumo wrestling, now college basketball?

Here’s a link to a New York Times article discussing research by Justin Wolfers alleging point shaving in college basketball. Justin Wolfers is also the co-author of an article that…

Racial Bias In NBA Refereeing?

I’ve blogged before about my friend Justin Wolfers’ research on point shaving in college basketball and the death penalty. Now Justin is back stirring up more controversy with a paper…

Economics and New Year’s Resolutions

…no stranger to readers of this blog: Justin Wolfers, an economist at Wharton and a great explorer of everything from racial bias in N.B.A. refereeing to the decline in women’s…

Prediction Markets in New Orleans: A Guest Post

Here’s the second installment from our newest guest poster, Justin Wolfers. His first post can be found here. This weekend is the annual gabfest of the American Economic Association, running…

An Economist's View of the New Oscar Voting

…the Oscar game???Here’s my best attempt at explaining to the folks from Film In Focus just how this new election math will work out: Wolfers compares for me the benefits…

Misreporting on Divorce

Today is apparently D-Day here at Freakonomics — the “D” stands for divorce. Along with Hamermesh’s earlier post and this post by Wolfers, there’s one more on the way. One…

A Super Bowl Preview from the Freako Family

The Patriots are playing the Giants in Sunday’s Super Bowl. I thought it would be fun to put together a short Super Bowl preview. I’ll go first (Justin Wolfers): Cheering…

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Episode 466

She’s From the Government, and She’s Here to Help

Cecilia Rouse, the chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, is as cold-blooded as any economist. But she admits that her profession would do well to focus on…

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Episode 105

Have a Very Homo Economicus Christmas

Who better than an economist to help with your shopping list?

Analyzing Roger Clemens: A Step-by-Step Guide

Yesterday, I posted about the conclusions that Eric Bradlow, Shane Jensen, Adi Wyner, and I drew from analyzing Roger Clemens‘s career statistics. I thought that it might be useful to…

The FREAK-est Links

Here are the stats and algorithms that explain why Kevin Garnett is an MVP. (HT: Phil Notick) (Earlier) Justin Wolfers‘s alumni magazine dubs him “The Seeker.” (Earlier) Who’s making the…

Introducing: The Happiness Index

…profession, commute times, even ZIP codes. All that data should be welcomed by researchers — like Freakonomics guest-bloggers Justin Wolfers and Arthur Brooks— who study happiness. Now we’re curious: where…

Barack’s Prosody Problem: A Guest Post

Justin Wolfers‘s recent post on “sounding presidential” reminded me that there is another sense in which a candidate might sound presidential. It turns out that almost all presidents have had…

Sign Up for a Prediction Tournament

…Expert Political Judgment; his co-PIs are Barb Mellers and Don Moore, with an advisory board that includes Daniel Kahneman, Robert Jervis, Scott Armstrong, Michael Mauboussin, Carl Spetzler and Justin Wolfers….

An Unhappy Year

In a New York Times Op-Ed on Saturday, Sonja Lyubomirsky wrote that subjective well-being has remained high during the recession. But she’s dead wrong. Here’s the gist of her piece,…