Luigi Zingales Offers His Advice to Treasury Secretary Geithner
My colleague Luigi Zingales has some words of wisdom for the incoming Treasury secretary.
My colleague Luigi Zingales has some words of wisdom for the incoming Treasury secretary.
Mercedes-Benz plant in Tuscaloosa, Ala. (Photo: Gary Tramontina/The New York Times) My University of Chicago colleagues Josh Rauh and Luigi Zingales have written an insightful essay on G.M.’s plight and what the government should do about it. They, like virtually all economists, think the auto industry bailout under consideration is not the right solution. They believe the best option is . . .
Martin Feldstein has written another Wall Street Journal op-ed (here’s an NBER version) extending his idea for stabilizing home prices. Steven Levitt has written about Feldstein’s basic idea before. The basic idea is for the government to provide low-interest loans to mortgage holders in return for mortgage debt: The federal government would offer any homeowner with a mortgage an opportunity . . .