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Posts Tagged ‘pop culture’

Why Is Family Guy Okay When Imus Wasn’t?

Don Imus is back on the radio, brimming with apology and announcing a new cast that includes two African-American comedians. He was run off the air a few months ago for calling the Rutgers women’s basketball team “nappy headed ho’s.” I understand why he was canned. I understand why he is back. I understand that our culture loves the whole . . .

Guns in America

The U.S. reportedly has the highest concentration of private gun ownership in the world. It is estimated that Americans buy more than half of all the guns that are manufactured worldwide each year. We wrote a good bit about guns in Freakonomics — primarily about the lack of efficacy of gun-control laws and gun buybacks on the crime rate — . . .

And Today Is…

September 4 is the day in 2002 when Texas singer Kelly Clarkson was voted the first American Idol. Sadly, her vote-winning song of choice was not “Girl, Your Marginal Benefit Is Far Greater Than Your Marginal Cost.”