A Very Good Year
Whatever the reason may be, Freakonomics had a very good year in 2005. It has been recognized in year-end roundups from Milwaukee to India and in publications specializing in sports, music, celebrity gossip, and, of course, economics and books. It’s been called everything from hip and sexy to dry and grating– and those were just the positive reviews.
For those with time to kill, here’s a list of Freakonomics “best of” links:
The New York Times:
Most Blogged about
(and a list of blog links)
New York Magazine:
Best Nonfiction
Bestsellers of 2005
Editors’ Picks
Amazon.ca (Canada):
Bestsellers of 2005
Editors’ Picks
USA Today:
Tops for literate gift-givers (not to mention quirky)
Publishers Weekly:
Best Titles
Listen Up Awards (audio)
The Economist:
One of the “books of the year” (no link)
Fast Company:
Best Books of 2005
People Magazine:
#7 Bestselling book (no link)
Other publications in the US:
New Statesman
Arkanas Democrat-Gazette (subscription required)
Boston Globe (Larry Summers’s favorite book of ’05)
Dallas/Fort Worth Star Telegram (“It” book of ’05)
WTOP Radio (Nonfiction that mattered)
And the U.K.:
The Mirror
Freakonomics even had some success with awards. From winning The Quill and the Joseph-Beth/Davis-Kidd Non-Fiction Book of the Year to making the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs short list, it’s been a pretty great year.
All we can say is thank you everyone, and happy new year.