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Rachel F

Make Your Voice Heard

Considering Dubner and Levitt questioned the value of voting in the New York Times and have still asked for your vote on more than one occasion, they should probably hesitate to ask you to vote for Freakonomics in the Webby Awards People’s Voice race. But if you should happen to be in the mood, the Webbys are pretty cool, and . . .


Freakonomics on ABC TV on Friday

On Friday, April 14, just in time to mark the one-year anniversary of Freakonomics, the ABC News program 20/20 will devote a full hour to Freakonomics. The program airs at 10:00 pm EDT and will cover parts of the book as well as some interesting new material. Earlier in the day, Stephen Dubner will appear on Good Morning America at . . .


We’re in The Money…

It seems that many people never get tired of talking about real estate. If you’re one of those people, tune in to CNN Saturday April 8th at 1pm, or Sunday April 9th at 3 (Eastern). Dubner will be on In The Money to talk about the New York Times column and the real-estate agent as the next endangered species.


Nothing is Certain Except…

The April “Freakonomics” column in The New York Times Magazine will address –you guessed it– taxes. It’s about how people hate the I.R.S. for the wrong reasons and will run Sunday, April 2nd. The article should be available online here by late Sat. night (4/1/06), and bonus information is available here.


The Bookplates are Coming!

March 5, 2021: These bookplates are no longer available. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.  It is with a warm heart and sore fingers that I write to let you all know that I mailed an additional 1500 bookplates this week. Those silly authors finally found the time, between frivolities like writing and researching, to sign their names a couple thousand . . .



There is good news for all those craving a Freakonomics television fix. On Friday, March 24th, a segment is scheduled to run on Good Morning America addressing teacher incentives. The exact time is TBD, but watching ABC between 7:00am and 9:00am should keep you covered. Set those DVRs!


Indie Cred

Every time you think award season is over, something new and exciting comes along. This week, it’s the 2006 Book Sense Book of the Year award. The award recognizes the titles independent booksellers most enjoyed handselling during the past year, so it’s especially gratifying to hear that Freakonomics took home the prize in adult nonfiction. Thank you, booksellers.


Everybody Loves Real Estate

Real estate is a topic that never goes away. The upcoming New York Times Magazine is a special issue dedicated to real estate, and Dubner and Levitt’s column explores the plight of the modern-day real-estate agent. You might be surprised by what they have to say. (As always, there will be a page posted on this site with bonus materials.) . . .


Another Freaky Friday

Freakonomics pieces are scheduled to run on Good Morning America and World News Tonight on Friday, February 17th. The GMA piece will run in the first hour and will be a preview of Sunday’s New York Times column about NASCAR. The WNT piece will address the Freakonomics of parenting.


Freakonomics Friday

A Freakonomics segment is scheduled to air Friday, February 3rd on World News Tonight (if it doesn’t, it should air February 4th.) The segment addresses Super Bowl gambling, also the topic of February 5th’s article in the New York Times sports publication Play.


A different sort of Freakonomics cover

This is the newly designed cover for the British Freakonomics paperback. Pretty cool, eh?


Dubner on “Good Morning America”

ABC News, in its infinite wisdom, has signed up Levitt and Dubner as regular Freakonomics contributors to its various programs (Good Morning America, World News Tonight, and 20/20). The next installment will be on Friday, Jan. 27, when Dubner visits G.M.A. (between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.) to discuss a topic which cannot be revealed here but which is certifiably freaky.


A Very Good Year

Whatever the reason may be, Freakonomics had a very good year in 2005. It has been recognized in year-end roundups from Milwaukee to India and in publications specializing in sports, music, celebrity gossip, and, of course, economics and books. It’s been called everything from hip and sexy to dry and grating– and those were just the positive reviews. For those . . .


The Artist Speaks

Many of you have expressed confusion as to what the illustration accompanying the latest Freakonomics column means, so I went ahead and posed the question to illustrator David M. Brinley. He replies: “The couple is a metaphor for sexual desires and how his sexual identity has been influenced by the points made in the article. His ‘new’ identity and desire . . .


Shangri-La Diet, Revisited

Stephen Dubner was on Good Morning America this morning to talk about Seth Roberts, self-experimentation, and the Shangri-La Diet. Those of you seeking more information can read the original Times column here, background info here, and Roberts’s own contributions to the Freakonomics blog here and here and here and here and here and here. If you’re seeking full diet instructions, . . .


Bookplate Update

Hello Freakonomics freaks! Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am “the mysterious Rachel,” the Rachel formerly known as “the excellent Rachel,” and the Freakonomics assistant currently fielding your bookplate requests. I’m just writing to let you know that they are a-comin’. You responded to the Steph/vens offer with a fervor we never could have imagined, and I’ve now amassed . . .


Quills on TV

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote in the first Quill Book Awards. As promised, the oh-so-glamorous Oscars of the book world will be broadcast on select NBC stations on Saturday, October 22nd. The show is on at 7pm in all locations, and is only an hour, so it’s hard to know if the awarding of Best Business . . .


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