Before the Book, the Pants

We are hard at work on SuperFreakonomics, which will be published as soon as it finishes simmering in our computers. This may well occur before the end of the year. In the meantime, how about some pants?
A company named Bonobos makes what it calls “awesome fitting trousers.” New York magazine agrees, as does The Times; their pants have even inspired a fan video.
A while back, Brian Spaly of Bonobos wrote and asked if they could name a pair of trousers after us. Not the Dubner-Levitt trousers or the Stephen-Steven slacks, exactly but … well, see for yourself. That’s right, the Superfreakonomics pants: “Sensational rich brown wool with very slight bootcut and swirled silk lining. Price: $190.” Classy! Brian has promised to let us give away a few pairs as future schwag.
I have a feeling this is the first time in history that a book will be in stores after its namesake trousers.