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Search Results for: think like a child

When Pricing Saves Lives

…parents carry young children in their laps, making them buy a ticket for their children instead, so that every person could wear a seatbelt. The F.A.A. refused, saying that the…

The Hosts

…eighth and last child of an upstate New York newspaperman, Stephen has been writing since he was a child. (His first published work appeared in Highlights magazine.) As an undergraduate…

Does Early Education Reduce the Achievement Gap?

…and academic circles that early childhood interventions—like high quality pre-schools—were the most promising prospect for the next round of educational reforms. But testing the impact of an educational reform like

Frans de Waal Answers Your Primate Questions

…Humans are obviously more like apes than like monkeys. Q: Does religiously motivated rejection of evolution (e.g. creationism) ever get in your way when working? A: I don’t experience this…

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Episode 347

Why You Shouldn’t Open a Restaurant

Kenji Lopez-Alt became a rock star of the food world by bringing science into the kitchen in a way that everyday cooks can appreciate. Then he dared to start his…

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Episode 82

Please Steal My Car

Levitt and Dubner answer your FREAK-quently Asked Questions about junk food, insurance, and how to make an economist happy.


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Episode 174

What Do King Solomon and David Lee Roth Have in Common?

It isn’t easy to separate the guilty from the innocent, but a clever bit of game theory can help.


Internet Sex Predators Not So Prevalent

Is the Internet really filled with pedophilic sexual predators lurking in a social network or chat room near your child? Not necessarily, according to 3 nationwide surveys done by the…

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Episode 66

Stradivarius Violins

Why are these 300-year-old instruments still coveted by violinists today? And how do working musicians get their hands on multimillion-dollar antiques? Zachary Crockett is not fiddling around….


‘The Today Show’

…to give your child, is that going to hurt their life outcomes; is campaign spending as important as everybody thinks it is? LAUER: So what’s freakonomics, technically? Mr. LEVITT: Well,…

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Episode 315

How to Become a C.E.O.

Mark Zuckerberg’s dentist dad was an early adopter of digital x-rays. Jack Welch blew the roof off a factory. Carol Bartz was a Wisconsin farm girl who got into computers….

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Episode 3

Why Are Kids With Summer Birthdays More Likely to Get the Flu?

After struggling to schedule a flu shot for his own toddler, host Bapu Jena went down a research rabbit hole. He discovered that the time of year kids are born…


A Business Idea for Anyone Who Wants It

…about doing it? Definitely not. What programs like No Child Left Behind have changed, however, is the stake that higher levels of government have in getting rid of cheating. State…

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Episode 218

The Harvard President Will See You Now (Replay)

How a pain-in-the-neck girl from rural Virginia came to run the most powerful university in the world.


China's "Little Emperors"

In a Freakonomics Radio episode called “Misadventures in Baby-Making,” we looked at the unintended consequences of China’s One Child Policy. A new paper (gated) in Science looks at the so-called…

Stay-at-Home Mom Knows Best?

Photo: Kelly Crabtree Just how important is Mom during a child’s first year of life? A new working paper by the economists Pedro Carneiro, Katrine V. Løken, and Kjell G….

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Episode 261

Why Are We Still Using Cash?

It facilitates crime, bribery, and tax evasion – and yet some governments (including ours) are printing more cash than ever. Other countries, meanwhile, are ditching cash entirely. And if Star…


Freakonomics in Action: Name That Baby

…and you have absolutely no choice. How does this play out? As an example, when my eldest child was applying to pre-school, I had my mother’s cousin, a prominent child

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Episode 203

Diamonds Are a Marriage Counselor’s Best Friend

It may seem like winning a valuable diamond is an unalloyed victory. It’s not. It’s not even clear that a diamond is so valuable.

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Episode 60

Cassandra Quave Thinks the Way Antibiotics Are Developed Might Kill Us

By mid-century, 10 million people a year are projected to die from untreatable infections. Can Cassandra, an ethnobotanist at Emory University convince Steve that herbs and ancient healing are key…


The True Secret of Female MBA's?

…business school.” Would you cut us some slack? I think we are smarter than you give us credit for! Especially for two guys who are willing to go back 20-plus…

A Reader Writes …

…In the chapter “What Makes A Perfect Parent?” it says that changing schools does not have an impact on the child. This is untrue, as i moved from Canada to…

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Episode 218

The Harvard President Will See You Now

How a pain-in-the-neck girl from rural Virginia came to run the most powerful university in the world.


Kids In the Garden

Arthur Rothstein, U.S. Office of War Information Child of a migratory farm laborer in the field during the harvest of the community center’s cabbage crop, FSA labor camp, Texas, circa…

Is Tooth Cleaning a Scam?

One of my earliest and happiest memories was being released from a hospital oxygen tent when I was a small child. I had developed pneumonia and was in pretty bad…