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Search Results for: wolfers

Who’s the World’s Fastest Runner?

Justin Wolfers’s excellent post on Usain Bolt‘s extraordinary 200-meter race mentions in passing that “it is only a fairly recent phenomenon that the 200-meter typically yields a faster average speed…

Statistical Forensics Launches a Polling Donnybrook

…my phone back.? Justin Wolfers analyzed data sets on?college and professional basketball games to uncover residue of?point-shaving and?racial bias.? I once called on the NBA to release more data to…

Prediction Markets at Google: A Guest Post

In my last post, I promised to say a bit more about prediction markets at Google. Google has been running internal prediction markets for a couple of years, and Eric…

Happiness on Nightline

One of the things that I have learned (the hard way) is that looking sensible on TV is harder than it looks. That’s why I was happy when Nightline decided…

It’s Not the President, Stupid (Ep. 65)

…its influence on the economy, because most all of the economy has nothing to do with the government. You’ll also hear from Freakonomics blog regular Justin Wolfers, who, along with…

Income = Happiness? A Strangely Tough Sell in Aspen

…me—cites my hair as evidence of expertise: Wolfers, a Wharton professor with an Australian accent and surfer-style blond hair, certainly seems like someone who should be an expert on happiness…

The Economics of Doing What You Love

Wolfers finishing the 2008 Stockholm Marathon Marketplace, the economics program on American Public Media, is running a fun series this week — asking economists to reflect on how thinking like…

Your Spousonomics Questions, Answered

…is definitely a victory of hope over experience. For a more thorough answer, though, we’re going to outsource to one of our favorite Freakonomics writers, Justin Wolfers, who, with his…

Happiness and Marriage

…live, Part 2 may be released today.) In Part 1, Justin Wolfers explained how marriage has shifted from a model of “production complementarities” to a model of hedonic marriage. Psychology…

Why Are Kiwis So Cheap?

…fruit. But I am an American, and in America we call the furry fruit “kiwi,” just as our Australian friend Justin Wolfers calls a beet a “beetroot.” So while I…


Color me confused, but I’ve never really understood the difference between a bet and “financial trade.” And if there ever really was a line, it’s definitely becoming blurrier. In recent…

Pennsylvania Primary Day: A Primer

One of the fun things about living in Philadelphia is that elections here are always hard-fought, and often have a national impact. And today’s Democratic primary is no exception. What…

Seriously, No More Cash in 2012

It turns out that 2012 is a kind of magnet for apocalyptic thinking. Justin Wolfers has predicted that the name Cash, currently riding a wave of popularity, will largely disappear…

What can the World Cup teach us about markets?

…four years to finally produce a paper using the data! In the meantime, a whole academic literature has emerged in this area, spearheaded by Justin Wolfers. The timing is not…

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

…the recovery, and so we support a well-designed hiring tax credit. In our personal capacities, we are sincerely yours, Mark Zandi Justin Wolfers Laura Tyson Mark Thoma Peter Temin Joseph…

The Sports Economists Answer Your Questions

…studies that show a different story.? For example, Joe Price and Justin Wolfers – in a fairly famous study – have presented evidence that referees in the NBA have a…

FREAK-est Links

Public profanity now costs $20 in Middleborough, Mass. San Francisco tries to disincentivize panhandling with puppies. Justin Wolfers and Betsey Stevenson chat with Gallup Business Journal. Is “big data” a…

Breaking Down the Clemens Report: A Guest Post

Sports fans will probably be aware that Roger Clemens is currently before Congress, arguing that the Mitchell Report wrongly tagged him as having used performance-enhancing drugs. And last week, his…