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Search Results for: nathan myhrvold

Episode 6

Nathan Myhrvold: “I Am Interested in Lots of Things, and That’s Actually a Bad Strategy.” (Replay)

…the world with clean energy and how to optimize pizza-baking. Find out what makes Nathan Myhrvold’s fertile mind tick, and which of his many ideas Steve Levitt likes the most….

Episode 6

Nathan Myhrvold: “I Am Interested in Lots of Things, and That’s Actually a Bad Strategy”

…the world with clean energy and how to optimize pizza-baking. Find out what makes Nathan Myhrvold’s fertile mind tick, and which of his many ideas Steve Levitt likes the most….

Nathan Myhrvold, Mad Chef

Nathan Myhrvold is the Intellectual Ventures chieftain we wrote about in SuperFreakonomics; I.V. has plans to thwart, inter alia, hurricanes, malaria, and global warming. (He has also written for this…

Nathan Myhrvold on Geoengineering (and Penguin Poo)

In a Fareed Zakaria interview on, Nathan Myhrvold discusses the geoengineering solutions we wrote about in SuperFreakonomics. (And, Nathan being Nathan, there is a brief discussion of penguin poo.)…

Episode 19

Waiter, There’s a Physicist In My Soup, Part I

…food” movement. In this episode, you’ll hear the chieftains of the two camps square off: Alice Waters for the slow foodies and Nathan Myhrvold for the mad scientists. Bon appetit!…

Episode 70

Eating and Tweeting

Does the future of food lie in its past — or inside a tank of liquid nitrogen? Also: how anti-social can you be on a social network? This is a…

Episode 346

Two (Totally Opposite) Ways to Save the Planet (Replay)

The environmentalists say we’re doomed if we don’t drastically reduce consumption. The technologists say that human ingenuity can solve just about any problem. A debate that’s been around for decades…

Episode 52

Weird Recycling

Clever ways to not waste our waste.

Episode 346

Two (Totally Opposite) Ways to Save the Planet

The environmentalists say we’re doomed if we don’t drastically reduce consumption. The technologists say that human ingenuity can solve just about any problem. A debate that’s been around for decades…

Episode 446

“We Get All Our Great Stuff from Europe — Including Witch Hunting.”

We’ve collected some of our favorite moments from People I (Mostly) Admire, the latest show from the Freakonomics Radio Network. Host Steve Levitt seeks advice from scientists and inventors, memory…

Episode 196

Is There a Better Way to Fight Terrorism?

The White House is hosting an anti-terror summit next week. Summits being what they are, we try to offer some useful advice.

Episode 6

T. rex Skeletons

How do they emerge from the Upper Cretaceous period to end up in natural-history museums and private collections? Zachary Crockett digs for answers.

Episode 552

Freakonomics Radio Presents: The Economics of Everyday Things

In three stories from our newest podcast, host Zachary Crockett digs into sports mascots, cashmere sweaters, and dinosaur skeletons….

Episode 20

Waiter, There’s a Physicist in My Soup, Part 2

What do a computer hacker, an Indiana farm boy, and Napoleon Bonaparte have in common? The past, present, and future of food science.

Episode 59

Who Gives the Worst Advice?

Steve usually asks his guests for advice, whether they’re magicians or Nobel laureates. After nearly 60 episodes, is any of it worth following — or should we just ask listeners…

Contest Answer: What Was That Yellow Object?

…at an Athabasca oil sands mining facility. It was taken by Nathan Myhrvold and described in SuperFreakonomics as a place that Myhrvold thought might be an appropriate base station for…

Episode 279

Chuck E. Cheese’s: Where a Kid Can Learn Price Theory

The pizza-and-gaming emporium prides itself on affordability, which means its arcade games are really cheap to play. Does that lead to kids hogging the best games — and parents starting…

The Anti-Malarial Bug Zapper

Readers of SuperFreakonomics will be familiar with Nathan Myhrvold‘s Intellectual Ventures, an invention company researching fixes for, inter alia, global warming and malaria. The book touches briefly on one of…

Ken Caldeira's Carbon Solution

…the end of this story, just skip ahead to the bottom of this post. Otherwise, here’s the background: Caldeira is working with Nathan Myhrvold and other scientists at the firm…

Should We Be Searching for Dinosaur Vomit?

…dinosaur footprints, dinosaur eggs, imprints of dinosaur feathers, and even fossilize dinosaur scat. In a new paper, Nathan Myhrvold suggests there may be yet another treasure trove of information to…

Episode 538

A Radically Simple Way to Boost a Neighborhood

Many companies say they want to create more opportunities for Black Americans. One company is doing something concrete about it. We visit the South Side of Chicago to see how…

U.S. Nuclear Power to China?

(Courtesy of In our “Weird Recycling” podcast, Nathan Myhrvold talks about TerraPower, the nuclear-power firm that he and Bill Gates are promoting, which would use depleted uranium (castoff waste…

FREAK-est Links

Just published: Rough Beasts, Charles Siebert‘s new e-book on the Zanesville Zoo Massacre. Chris Sprigman on software patents. 36 bizarre economic indicators. (HT: V. Brenner) Nathan Myhrvold‘s absurdly prolific and…

FREAK-est Links

…dealt with recessions. Nathan Myhrvold on risk and the state of the Earth. Killer paychecks: You’re more likely to die shortly after you get paid. Why restructuring Greek debt is…

Eating Polar Bears Is Okay in Greenland

This is our third and final guest post from the very polymathic Nathan Myhrvold. The first two were Icelandic travelogues; this one takes us to Greenland. It includes some of…

Elf Problems

…an elf in their lifetime. Not long ago, we ran Nathan Myhrvold‘s compelling photos of Iceland. Sadly, there are no elves in the frames … or so you think. [%comments]…