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Freakonomics Blog

Alcohol 101

College-educated women drink more, and are more likely to report drinking problems.

Roadkill Ecology

How to dispose of roadkill and help lazy zoo animals at the same time.

Technology and Trade

Are imports from low-wage countries driving technology advancements in the U.S.?

Farewell, George Johnson

Economist George Johnson passed away this week, at age 70. He and his work are remembered fondly.

Evaluating Microfinance: A Guest Post

In recent years, the randomized program evaluation has become the gold standard for evaluating development programs – and the bread and butter of many development economists. The evaluations often uncover valuable new information, but are controversial, and can also be prohibitively expensive to implement for small NGO’s.

Passover Economics

It’s Passover. That means eight days of eating matzoh, which gets me thinking about products that are complements with or substitutes for matzoh.

Gary Becker, Still an Optimist

Peter Robinson interviews Gary Becker about healthcare reform, the future of capitalism, and what this November’s elections will bring.

Why Do Women Leave?

A new working paper by Jennifer Hunt examines the exodus of women from the science and engineering fields, and upends some popularly accepted wisdom.

The Vigilantes of Comedy: A Guest Post

Kal Raustiala, a Professor at UCLA Law School and the UCLA International Institute, and Chris Sprigman, a Professor at the University of Virginia Law School, are counterfeiting and intellectual property experts. They have been guest-blogging for us about copyright issues; this week they write about an alternative method of enforcing intellectual property rights.

Freakonomics Documentary to Premiere at Tribeca Film Festival

Alright, I’ll admit it: when I first sat down with Steve Levitt in the econ department at the University of Chicago back in 2003, and asked him to explain how economists use regression analyses to measure the impact of individual variables within a complex scenario, I was thinking, “Man, this is the kind of material that would really light up the silver screen.”