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Sorbet Selection

For several years our local grocery story carried a brand of coconut sorbet, Ciao Bella, which we had for dessert several times a week. It was $5 per pint-pretty expensive-but worth much more than every penny. In the last month it hasn’t been on the store’s shelves. The manager informs me that they will not be stocking it…

Doping in the Tour de France

Why does Levitt find Landis’s allegations so compelling? He describes in great specificity and detail scenarios involving refrigerators hidden in closets, and the precise temperature at which the blood stored in those refrigerators had to be kept; and faked bus breakdowns during which Lance received blood transfusions while lying on the floor of the bus, etc. To make up stories of this kind, with that sort of detail, strikes Levitt as a difficult task.

Vegetables: A Salty Menace?

The three major dietary sources of sodium are grains; meat, poultry, fish, mixtures; and vegetables. Surprised? So was Dubner. The explanation lies in the daily sodium density metric.

Who Owns the Korean Taco?

Kal Raustiala and Chris Sprigman on copyright in the food industry. The story of Mark Manguera’s Kogi “Korean taco” truck.