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Episode 138

Why is Everyone Having Less Sex?

Are we too busy watching Friends? Is porn driving us apart? And why did New Yorkers stop vacationing in the Catskills? Take the Seven Deadly Sins survey:…

Episode 208

Making Sex Offenders Pay — and Pay and Pay and Pay

Sure, sex crimes are horrific, and the perpetrators deserve to be punished harshly. But society keeps exacting costs — out-of-pocket and otherwise — long after the prison sentence has been…

Episode 33

Sex Scenes

Behind these steamy sequences, there are body doubles, pubic wigs, legal documents, and dedicated choreographers who make sure everyone is comfortable. Zachary Crockett fast-forwards straight to the good parts….

Are Sex Offender Laws Backfiring?

Photo: pena2(A map of registered sex offenders in L.A.) A pair of new studies raise questions as to whether sex offender registries and community notification laws actually reduce recidivism of…

Frans de Waal Answers Your Primate Questions

sex as a form of communication/bonding/intimacy vs. purely procreational purposes? A: Bonobos offer the best example of non-reproductive sex. They use sex at the drop of a hat for reasons…

Teen Sex Apparently Driven By Music, Not Libido

…an A.P. article, which trumpets the news in its headline: “Sexual Lyrics Prompt Teens to Have Sex.” Here’s an excerpt: Teens whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual…

Do High-End Sex Workers Have it Easier?

…about the high-end (and low-end) sex trade. I lined up two women who agreed to take your questions (and comments): Mindy is a 43-year-old white woman who was a sex

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Check the Data: It’s a Man’s World

Do you think public bathrooms are too small, smartphones are too big, and public transit just wasn’t made for you? Then you’re probably a woman. In her book Invisible Women:…

Feed, Interrupted: Another RSS Issue

…subscriptions did get properly redirected last week, you will probably be unhappy about losing the full feed. 3. The partial feed that the Times been offering since the move was…

Episode 42

The Upside of Quitting (Replay)

You know the saying: A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. To which Freakonomics Radio says … Are you sure?…

Episode 264

In Praise of Incrementalism (Replay)

What do Renaissance painting, civil-rights movements, and Olympic cycling have in common? In each case, huge breakthroughs came from taking tiny steps. In a world where everyone is looking for…

Episode 42

The Upside of Quitting

You know the saying: a winner never quits and a quitter never wins. To which Freakonomics Radio says … Are you sure?…

Episode 42

The Upside of Quitting (Replay)

You know the saying: a winner never quits and a quitter never wins. To which Freakonomics Radio says … Are you sure?…

Episode 264

In Praise of Incrementalism

What do Renaissance painting, civil-rights movements, and Olympic cycling have in common? In each case, huge breakthroughs came from taking tiny steps. In a world where everyone is looking for…

Your Sex Industry Questions Answered

Dorothy (right) and her daughter Do-Do. Last week Sudhir Venkatesh solicited your questions for Mindy and Dorothy, two of his contacts in the high-end (and low-end) sex worker world. Mindy…

Episode 269

Bad Medicine, Part 2: (Drug) Trials and Tribulations (Replay)

How do so many ineffective and even dangerous drugs make it to the market? One reason is that clinical trials are often run on “dream patients” who aren’t representative of…

Mara Hvistendahl Answers Your Questions

…put your finger on the central question for economists interested in sex ratios. Soon after Asian countries began reporting skewed sex ratios at birth in the 1980s, scholars started speculating…

Episode 81

Why Is It So Hard to Talk About Money? (Replay)

What’s the connection between conversations about money and financial literacy? Could the taboo against talking about your salary be fading? And why did Angie’s teenage daughter call Vanguard to learn…

What’s It Cost to Live Near a Sex Offender?

…data from the housing market with data from the North Carolina Sex Offender Registry to find that when a sex offender moves into a neighborhood, houses within a one-tenth mile…

Episode 81

Why Is It So Hard to Talk About Money?

What’s the connection between conversations about money and financial literacy? Could the taboo against talking about your salary be fading? And why did Angie’s teenage daughter call Vanguard to learn…

Episode 269

Bad Medicine, Part 2: (Drug) Trials and Tribulations

How do so many ineffective and even dangerous drugs make it to market? One reason is that clinical trials are often run on “dream patients” who aren’t representative of a…