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James Altucher Strikes Again

…the book was about a fellow named James Altucher, whom I’ve blogged about before. James’s relationship with money was fascinating and precarious. He grew up in a middle-class family that…

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Episode 37

Mouse in the Salad

In restaurants and in life, bad things happen. But what happens next is just as important.

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Episode 64

The Days of Wine and Mouses

Do more expensive wines taste better? And: what does one little rodent in a salad say about a restaurant’s future? This is a “mashupdate” of “Do More Expensive Wines Taste…

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Episode 188

Is America’s Education Problem Really Just a Teacher Problem? (Replay)

The gist: If U.S. schoolteachers are indeed “just a little bit below average,” it’s not really their fault. So what should be done about it?

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Episode 12

Stupid Stuff: TMSIDK Episode 12

…things that seem stupid but aren’t and things don’t but are. Our panelists are: James Altucher, author and host of the podcast the James Altucher Show, who is an honorary…

When Bad Spelling Is Good for Business

… Not, mind you, but Mortage. As Altucher notes, “people can’t spell mortgage, but they are still getting loans.” This should cheer Altucher himself; his latest website is….

QE3? Not So Fast. Let's Debate the Merits of QE2 First

…Wolfers, and James Altucher. Justin Wolfers is a professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania and a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, with wide-ranging interests across labor, macro,…

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Episode 26

Urinetown: TMSIDK Episode 26

…cockroaches, tattoos, pee, and more. James Altucher (host of The James Altucher Show) is our special guest co-host, with Mike Maughan (head of global insights at Qualtrics) as real-time fact-checker….

How to Eat What You Kill

( This is a cross-post from James Altucher‘s blog Altucher Confidential. His previous appearances on the Freakonomics blog can be found here. Life only tastes good when you eat what…

The Forever Portfolio

The Forever Portfolio, spotted this week in the Nashville airport. Our friend James Altucher has a new book out, The Forever Portfolio, which is an investment book — the subtitle…

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Episode 26

Do Checklists Make People Stupid?

Also: What’s so great about New York City anyway?

Confessions of a Steve Jobs Fanboy

This is a cross-post from James Altucher‘s blog Altucher Confidential. His previous appearances on the Freakonomics blog can be found here. Photo: segagman I saw the news this morning when…

A Frog in the Salad

…said. “An unfortunate piece of organic matter has made its way through,” she added. In our podcast, Dubner’s friend James Altucher had an interesting perspective on how things like this…

The FREAKest Links

…the Internet, by a long shot … right? Wrong. takes a brief look at the stocks of companies working on treatment or cure of autism. (Hat tips: James Altucher)…

Nine Ways to Guarantee Success (And Failure)

This is a cross-post from James Altucher‘s blog Altucher Confidential. His previous appearances on the Freakonomics blog can be found here. I really blew it and everyone knows it. I…

The FREAK-est Links

The next generation of sports viewing: fiber-optic fields. BusinessWeek profiles James Altucher. (Earlier) A case for the rationality of voting. (Related) The latest in e-mail trends: “Don’t Print Me” messages….

Jim Cramer [Hearts]

A few weeks ago, I posted here about James Altucher’s new website, a sort of stock-picking wiki. Jim Cramer, the mad genius behind Mad Money and, where Altucher

Ten Things You Need to Do if You Were Hired Today

Photo: Thomas Northcut This is a cross-post from James Altucher‘s blog Altucher Confidential. His previous appearances on the Freakonomics blog can be found here. Last week, James wrote about the…

This Blog Apparently Not Worthless After All

…decided to start trading (mostly agricultural stocks) based on the ideas mentioned therein. Good luck, I told him. Now my friend James Altucher at has had a similar idea,…

Levitt as Horse Bettor: Eh.

In addition to its Freakonomics Poker Portfolio, James Altucher at has also posted a Freakonomics Horse Racing Portfolio, thus creating indices in honor of two of Steve Levitt‘s greatest…

The Price of Clean Water

Taking off on Levitt’s recent blog post about pesticides in the water in Indiana, James Altucher at Stockpickr has assembled a Freakonomics portfolio of clean water stocks. He has also…

How I Self-Published a Book, And How You Can Too

This is a cross-post from James Altucher‘s blog Altucher Confidential. His previous appearances on the Freakonomics blog can be found here. I just self-published a book called How to Be…