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Watt's Next?

…on one, electric propulsion may finally be poised to break out. Or is it? To help find the answer I called in my resident expert — my brother, Brad Morris

We Hold These Truths to Be Universal

…Kitayama 2002; Morris & Peng 1994; Norenzayan et al. 2002a; Van Boven et al. 1999), particularly when?situational information is made salient (Choi & Nisbett 1998). Grossmann and Varnum (2010) provides…

Rough Name, Rough Start?

Perhaps naming laws aren’t such a bad thing, at least in cases like this: D’AlCapone AlPacino Morris was arrested by the U.S. Marshal’s Service last year on charges of murder,…

Economics for (and by) 10th Graders

…Another student explained the effects of loss aversion on the housing market. Classic topics like externalities, free-riding, expressed vs. revealed preferences, and regression analysis (look for Eric Morris and Emily…

Anarchy in the U.K.

…one Gina Luck, who is plainly very talented, and whose name is nearly as extraordinary as that of Georgia Cool, one of our very favorite people at the William Morris

Peak Travel?

…their help, what can we speculate about the causes for and durability of the mysterious phenomenon of peak travel? More next time. (HT: Brad Morris and Melinda Burns of Miller-McCune)…

Greening the Brain

…think there’s an attractive version of the carbon tax if somebody thought about its design,” says one decision scientist. Good news for Steve Levitt, Eric Morris, and Greg Mankiw. [%comments]…

Find Freakonomics Radio on a Station Near You

…City KWIT-FM Decorah KLNI-FM Idaho Pocatello KISU-FM St. Maries KXJO-FM Illinois Chicago WBEZ-FM Morris WBEQ-FM Kankakee WBEK-FM Indiana Elkhart WVPE-FM Hagerstown WBSH-FM Fort Wayne WBOI-FM Portland WZJR-FM Evansville WNIN-FM Crawfordsville…

Get Paid $1,500 to Have a Vasectomy?

A reader from Wadsworth, Ohio, named Tom Morris writes with an idea. He is a lawyer and, he says, and an “occasional acting judge in a small town”: In my…

Quotes Uncovered: Who Worried About Events?

…the Dictionary of American Proverbs, it dates at least as far back as colonial statesman Gouverneur Morris in 1778. Do any readers have any other quotations whose origins they would…

You Can’t Win Them All

…Michel and Shana Kelly, of the William Morris Agency). Most interestingly, Sarah Christie was hobbled by a sledgehammer injury to her toe — yes, a sledgehammer injury — and I…

Another Way for Economists to Make Money

…economist expert witnesses. Teece has personally testified in cases concerning Napster, Oracle, and Philip Morris, and in 2005 earned nearly $3 million for his legal work. “I won’t get many…

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Episode 415

How Rahm Emanuel Would Run the World

As a former top adviser to presidents Clinton and Obama, he believes in the power of the federal government. But as former mayor of Chicago, he says that cities are…

California Gets a "Green" Light

As you may have read, the Obama administration is moving toward giving California approval to cut greenhouse gas emissions by mandating better fuel economy. The California regulations should mean 40…

The Rebound Effect of Higher M.P.G.

In my last post, I blogged about my (mostly) favorable reaction to California’s program to increase fuel economy. But for the record, I should mention a few petty details —…

Paved With Good Intentions: The Finalists

It wasn’t easy picking the finalists for our “Worst Roads in America” competition, but our intrepid judges Genevieve Giuliano and Mohja Rhoads, top transportation scholars at the University of Southern…

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Episode 17

How Does Retirement Affect Your Brain?

Aging carries a risk of losing our memory, focus, and ability to take care of ourselves and others. Does leaving the workforce worsen that risk? We investigate the research. And…Bapu…

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Episode 383

The Zero-Minute Workout

There is strong evidence that exercise is wildly beneficial. There is even stronger evidence that most people hate to exercise. So if a pill could mimic the effects of working…

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Episode 289

How Stupid Is Our Obsession With Lawns?

Nearly 2 percent of America is grassy green. Sure, lawns are beautiful and useful and they smell great. But are the costs — financial, environmental and otherwise — worth the…

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Episode 217

Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset? (Replay)

The gist: we spend billions on end-of-life healthcare that doesn’t do much good. So what if a patient could forego the standard treatment and get a cash rebate instead?

What's Your Walk Score?

Here’s a website worth checking out if you own a good pair of shoes and don’t mind using them once in a while. It’s called Walk Score and it gauges…

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Episode 217

Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset?

We spend billions on end-of-life healthcare that doesn’t do much good. So what if a patient could forego the standard treatment and get a cash rebate instead?

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Episode 10

Suzanne Gluck: “I’m a Person Who Can Convince Other People to Do Things”

She might not be a household name, but Suzanne Gluck is one of the most powerful people in the book industry. Her slush pile is a key entry point to…