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Fred Shapiro

Quotes Uncovered: I Am a Soldier

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: Beer or Wine as Proof?

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent researches.


Quotes Uncovered: Pardon My French

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: As a Nicaraguan Might Say

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: Giving Richard Lewis Credit

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: The Origins of Couch Potatoes

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: Death and Taxes

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: When Is It Over?

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: Making Omelettes

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: If at First…

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: Making Money

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: How Do You Suffer Fools?

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent researches.


Quotes Uncovered: Silver Bullets

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: Dancing About Architecture

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: If It Ain't Broke…

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: In God We Trust

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.


Quotes Uncovered: A Bird in the Hand

I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: A Call for Quotes

Having spent recent weeks soliciting suggestions of favorite quotations and phrases from readers for the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations, let me now again turn the tables. Do any readers have any quotations whose origins they would like me to attempt to trace?


Quotes Uncovered: Notable Supreme Court Quotes

Turning from celebrity culture to a weightier arena, I am again seeking suggestions of notable quotations from United States Supreme Court decisions of recent years. Are there any worthy successors to the eloquent justices of the past, such as Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and Robert H. Jackson?


Quotes Uncovered: The Top 10

As the calendar marches on, the pressure is mounting on me to produce my annual list of the top 10 quotations of the year. In addition to politics, economics, and sports, I need to consider the outstanding (or, more accurately, the most famous or most revealing) quotations of 2010 uttered by celebrities.


Quotes Uncovered: Wisdom From Business Leaders

Continuing with my requests for famous quotations and sayings that might make it into the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations, I’d like now to ask for memorable recent (or not-so-recent) words of wit or wisdom from business leaders.


Quotes Uncovered: Memorable Sports Quotes?

Continuing with my requests for famous quotations and sayings that might make it into the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations, I’d like now to ask for memorable recent (or not-so-recent) words of wit or wisdom from the sports world.


Quotes Uncovered: Wit and Wisdom from Economics and Finance

Continuing with my requests for famous quotations and sayings that might make it into the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations, I’d like now to ask for memorable recent (or not-so-recent) words of wit or wisdom from the realms of economics and finance.


Quotes Uncovered: Most Memorable Song Lyrics

Two years ago, I asked for suggestions for the most memorable song lyrics of recent years, to help with the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations. Let me repeat my “bleg” from that time, and ask again for suggestions.


Quotes Uncovered: Well-Known Advertising Slogans

Two years ago, I asked for suggestions for the most memorable advertising slogans of recent years, to help with the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations. Let me repeat my “bleg” from that time, and ask again for suggestions.


Quotes Uncovered: TV Catchphrases

Two years ago, I asked for suggestions for the most memorable contemporary TV catchphrases of recent years, to help with the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations. Let me repeat my “bleg” from that time, and ask again for suggestions.


Quotes Uncovered: Memorable Movie Lines

Two years ago, I asked for suggestions for the most memorable movie lines of recent years, to help with the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations. Let me repeat my “bleg” from that time, and ask again for suggestions


Quotes Uncovered: Bring Your Notable Quotes

I’m starting to think about my annual list, run by the Associated Press, of the top 10 most notable quotations of the year (I know it’s only August, but it’s good to start gathering quotes before the early-in-the-year ones become forgotten). By “notable” I mean “important” or “famous” or “particularly revealing of the spirit of our times” rather than necessarily being eloquent or admirable. An obvious candidate for this year is Tony Hayward’s “I’d like my life back.”


Quotes Uncovered: If Wolves and Sheep Could Vote

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Teaching a Man to Fish

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


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