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Fred Shapiro

Quotes Uncovered: On Tools and Problems

The origins of “If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”


Quotes Uncovered: Fog of War and Showing Up

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: Showing Up and Fair Play

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: When Ships Collide

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: On Cigars

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Forgiveness, Permission, and Awesomeness

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: Justice Delayed

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: The Exception to the Rule, Clubs and Spears

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: The Marx Brothers and Proverbs

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: Man's Failures and Triumphs

Shapiro explains the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: Where Do Nice Guys Finish?

Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: Crackers and Gum-Chewing

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: What's the Plural of Anecdote?

Fred Shapiro traces the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: Does Economics Make You Want to Sing?

Fred Shapiro explains the origins of popular quotes.


Quotes Uncovered: We Still Need Libraries!

Why Google Books can’t yet replace the real thing.


Quotes Uncovered: Nimrods and Boy Scouts

Fred Shapiro answers readers’ quote questions.


Quotes Uncovered: The Curious Cat

In this world there nothing is certain but death and misquotation. Fred Shapiro is here to clean things up.


Quotes Uncovered: Fool Me Twice

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: The Full Monty

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: The Real McCoy and Acting Locally

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Sacred Cows and Misbehaving Children

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Great Scott and Book Burners

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Hindsight and Crowds

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Sizzling Steaks

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent researches. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Giants' Shoulders and Deck Chairs

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Smoke, Mirrors, and Snowflakes

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations for which they want me to try to trace the origin, using The Yale Book of Quotations and my more recent research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: God or the Devil in the Details?

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations for which they want me to try to trace the origin, using The Yale Book of Quotations and my own research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Violence and Enemies

Each week, I’ve been inviting readers to submit quotations for which they want me to try to trace the origin, using The Yale Book of Quotations and my own research. Here is the latest round.


Quotes Uncovered: Trying Again and Fooling People

Each week, Fred Shapiro invites readers to submit quotations whose origins they would like him to trace, using The Yale Book of Quotations and his own research. Here is the latest round…


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